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Unlock Your Leadership Potential and Become a World-Class ICF Certified Coach!

Are you a visionary leader with a burning desire to inspire and empower your team, but you're struggling to ignite that spark of motivation?

You are in the right place and I got your back!

Unlock the Potential of Your Leadership

I'm READY To Enhance My Leadership & Coaching Skills

Hi, I'm Laura 

My mission is to inspire and empower leaders and individuals to reach their full potential and become impactful and inspirational in their own right.


I'm a versatile professional with a wealth of experience in various fields. I'm an Organizational Development consultant, an ICF leadership coach, and a senior consultant and facilitator with The Arbinger Institute. I'm also an International Best Selling Author and Podcast Host, allowing me to engage with a diverse audience.

Before I founded my business, Stretch Into Success, I dedicated over 27 years of my life to the United States Air Force, where I rose to the esteemed rank of Chief Master Sergeant. During my Air Force career, I had the privilege of teaching personal growth and leadership to others, an experience that profoundly influenced my path.

I'm Ready to Become a World-Class ICF Credentialed Coach!

Are You Ready to Inspire and Empower Your Team?

If you're eager to harness the transformative power of Neuro-Shine Technology™ and NLP to elevate your leadership skills and cultivate confident leaders around you, let's connect. Dive deep into the world of NLP with me and discover the blueprint to transformative leadership.

As a certified NLP Practitioner and Neuro-Shine Technology™ facilitator, I've been at the forefront of applying these techniques to leadership development. Through NLP, we can identify limiting beliefs, overcome barriers, and instill confidence, allowing both you and those you lead to flourish.

This is an investment you can make in yourself and your team!

Sign Up To Become An ICF Credentialed Coach!

Are you ready to make a difference?

Harness the power of Neuro-Shine Technology™ and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for a transformative approach to leadership and personal growth. NLP delves into the intricate interplay between our neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns, providing insights into how we think, communicate, and act. By understanding and leveraging these dynamics, we can transform our thoughts and actions, unlocking unparalleled potential within ourselves and in the leaders we nurture.


Heather Gaspar

Laura is a fabulous presenter and her workshop had a great impact on our staffing team. It is sometimes hard to find the time to identify a workshop or training and we were glad to find the Arbinger workshop that she presented to be so worthwhile. Our staff continue to embrace the teaching points months later. The culture between staff members and volunteers improved greatly, and we are working at a happier and more productive level. 

Shamil Mohammed, MBA

It is my pleasure to provide this testimonial on behalf of Aspire Training and Development. Laura Noel is an exceptional facilitator, speaker, and trainer, who always brings a high level of energy, expertise, and engagement to every session she leads. Her passion for empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential is infectious, and her ability to connect with participants and create a positive learning environment is second to none

Natalie DiDomenico (Lahnan)

Laura and I have known each other for years. She has always presented as an outstanding role model of what is possible if you truly desire it. Laura mentored me to assist in my life journey to further reveal and develop, what I consider, my life purpose. Work has been redefined as "service" to others, and financial abundance and success fulfillment is the reward. 

Develop The Coaching Skills to Empower Leaders and Create:

✔️Personal Satisfaction in Your Leadership Role.
✔️A Stronger Succession Plan for the Future of Your Organization.
✔️ Improved Decision-Making at All Levels.
✔️ Increased Innovation and Problem-Solving Capabilities.
✔️More Effective Leadership & Collabortion
✔️Time Freedom to Focus on What's Most Important & Impactful
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Inspire and Empower Your Team