Become a World-Class Coach with 

ICF Level 1 & Level 2 Accredited 

NLP, Neuroscience, 

Quantum Physics & Positive Psychology Based Online 

Neuro-Shine Technology™ 

Coaching Education Program



September 4th, 2024 - November 6th, 2024 (Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm EST / Zoom)

- ACC PATH: November 12th & 13th, 2024 (6pm - 9pm EST / Zoom)
3 HOURS OF ICF PERSONAL MENTOR COACHING (within 90 days upon graduation)    

This online training program is only offered in English language.

Yes! I'm Ready To Become An ICF Coach!




Neuro-Shine Technology™ Coaching Education

To Improve Your Communication and Coaching Skills and to

Become a Certified Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™


YES! I Want To Become A World-Class ICF Coach!


"Shiny is a unique person with a unique creative style. She has taken her life and her wisdom and laid out something you haven't seen before! I totally recommend her as one of my world-class Licensed Trainers for you to learn NLP from." 

RICHARD BANDLER  (When assisting him in delivering his own NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer Trainings in Orlando/2015)


"Laura is a fabulous presenter and her workshop had a great impact on our staffing team. It is sometimes hard to find the time to identify a workshop or training and we were glad to find the Arbinger workshop that she presented to be so worthwhile. Our staff continue to embrace the teaching points months later. The culture between staff members and volunteers improved greatly, and we are working at a happier and more productive level."

~ Heather Gaspar

Your Benefits


It is my pleasure to provide this testimonial on behalf of Aspire Training and Development. Laura Noel is an exceptional facilitator, speaker, and trainer, who always brings a high level of energy, expertise, and engagement to every session she leads. Her passion for empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential is infectious, and her ability to connect with participants and create a positive learning environment is second to none."

~ Shamil Mohammed, MBA


I'll teach you everything you want to learn about Coaching and NLP with scientific explanations, practical tools and everyday strategies in 11 weeks.

And you'll be surprised how fast you improve.

As long as you are open, willing and show up with your 100%.

It's always been the case for hundreds of others, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or professional background. 

Plus, you are in such good hands.

I love what I do and I'm pretty good at it ;) 😘

Neuro-Shine Technology™ Coaching Education Programs

Learn NLP. Break Your Disempowering Patterns.

Communicate Clearly, Consciously and Graciously. 

Become a World-Class ICF Certified Coach.

With ethical practice and high level coaching skills at ICF standards.

What You Will Get

✔ More Than 50 Hours Of Video Training

✔ PDF Worksheets, ICF Resources & Additional Reading Materials

✔ Experiential Skill Building Exercises For Each Module

✔ Online & App Access To The Courses

✔ Lifetime Access To All The Courses

✔ Audio Downloads To Listen On The Go

✔ Private  Whatsapp Group

✔ Weekly Live Zoom Classes

World-Class Coaching Certification



I'm Ready To Change Lives!

ICF Accredited Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certificate That Allows You To Become an Instant ICF Member as a World-Class Coach

ICF's international standards require you to have minimum 60 hours of specific coach training to be certified as a coach. This ICF Accredited Online Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ certification training will give you more than those 60 hours.

Level 1 ACC Path


Level 1 ACC Path




Proven NLP Techniques To Break Patterns



Language Frameworks To Communicate Clearly 


EMPOWERMENT: Scientific Methods To Overcome Fear, Self-doubt & Anxiety



Advanced Coaching Mindset & Skills To Ask Powerful Questions

Here Is What My Previous Student Coaches Wanted You To Know About Me And

My Neuro-Shine Technology™ Training

Video Poster Image
Yes! I'm Ready To Become An ICF Coach!

Your ICF Accredited Coaching & NLP Education Curriculum

You can download the curriculum from this link here.


3 Weeks of Intensive Mindset Training: Learn How Your Mind Works & Build Your Coaching Mindset with Powerful NLP Mindset Tools & Language Frameworks

NLP & Mindset Training for the First 3 Weeks: Break your own limiting patterns. Free yourself from judgements. Unlearn what doesn't serve you. Rewire your brain with your coaching mindset with 10 powerful disciplines:

  1. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  2. Neuro-Shine Technology™ Mindset Principles
  3. Neuroscience
  4. Heart Science
  5. Quantum Physics
  6. Metaphysics
  7. Cosmology
  8. Positive Psychology
  9. Emotional Intelligence
  10. Leadership Communication Strategies

for you to learn the science behind human behaviors, thoughts and language and build your unbeatable coaching mindset for a life time! 


10 Weeks of Communication & Coaching Skills with Neuro-Shine Technology™

A Total of 10 Weeks of Coaching Education: ICF Core Competency Model and all 8 Coaching Skills explained and practiced with:

  1. NLP Language Patterns
  2. Effective Goal Setting
  3. Neuro-Shine Coaching™ Model
  4. Positive Psychology
  5. Heart Science
  6. Emotional Intelligence
  7. Leadership Communication Strategies

for you to deepen your learning and practice your core coaching competencies to help you navigate more joyfully in life. 


10 Weeks of Coaching Practice With Your Peer Coaches (Including Mentor Coaching)

A Total of 10 Weeks of Practice: Coaching practice with your peer coaches with immediate feedback / feedforward during live zoom classes.


7 Hours of ICF Group Mentor Coaching

Last 2 Days on Week 11: 7 Hours of ICF Group Mentor Coaching both for level 1 and level 2 programs.

ICF requires you to have a minimum of 10 hours of mentor coaching for 3 months. So your mentor coaching begins when the program begins as these mentor coaching hours are designed as part of your training program.

But the last two days of your program, on week 11, is specifically designed as group mentor coaching sessions for 7 hours in total for both levels. Our goal is to prepare you for your final performance recordings.

Then you'll each have your own 3 hours of personal mentor coaching upon graduation. 


3 Months of Personal Mentor Coaching

ICF requires a minimum of 3 hours of the 10-hour mentor coaching to be done personally with your mentor coach over 3 months.

These 3 hours of personal mentor coaching is also included in your program upon graduation for three months.

We'll schedule them together. 🤗



3 Weeks of Intensive Mindset Training: Learn How Your Mind Works & Build Your Coaching Mindset with Powerful NLP Mindset Tools & Language Frameworks

NLP & Mindset Training for the First 3 Weeks: Break your own limiting patterns. Free yourself from judgements. Unlearn what doesn't serve you. Rewire your brain with your coaching mindset with 10 powerful disciplines:

  1. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  2. Neuro-Shine Technology™ Mindset Principles
  3. Neuroscience
  4. Heart Science
  5. Quantum Physics
  6. Metaphysics
  7. Cosmology
  8. Positive Psychology
  9. Emotional Intelligence
  10. Leadership Communication Strategies

for you to learn the science behind human behaviors, thoughts and language and build your unbeatable coaching mindset for a life time! 


11 Weeks of Communication & Coaching Skills with Neuro-Shine Technology™

A Total of 11 Weeks of Coaching Education: ICF Core Competency Model and all 8 Coaching Skills explained and practiced with:

  1. NLP Language Patterns
  2. Effective Goal Setting
  3. Neuro-Shine Coaching™ Model
  4. Positive Psychology
  5. Heart Science
  6. Emotional Intelligence
  7. Leadership Communication Strategies

for you to deepen your learning and practice your core coaching competencies to help you navigate more joyfully in life. 



11 Weeks of Coaching Practice With Your Peer Coaches (Not Including Mentor Coaching)

A Total of 10 Weeks of Practice: Coaching practice with your peer coaches with immediate feedback / feedforward during live zoom classes.


7ᅠHoursof ICF Group Mentor Coaching

Last 2 Days on Week 11:ᅠ7 Hours of ICF Group Mentor Coaching both for my level 1 and level 2 programs.

ICF requires you to have a minimum of 10 hours of mentor coaching for 3 months. So your mentor coaching begins when the program begins as these mentor coaching hours are designed as part of your training program.

But the last twoᅠdays of your program, on week 11, is specifically designed as group mentor coaching sessions for 7 hours in total for both levels. Our goal is to prepare you for your final performance recordings.

Then you'll each have your own 3 hours of personal mentor coaching upon graduation.ᅠ



3 Months of Personal Mentor Coaching

ICF requires a minimum of 3 hours of the 10-hour mentor coaching to be done personally with your mentor coach over 3 months.

These 3 hours of personal mentor coaching is also included in your program upon graduation for three months:

LEVEL 1: From From September 4th, 2024 to November 6th, 2024

We'll schedule them together. 🤗


Please note that you're required to participate all 10 weeks of live zoom education classes to get certified as a Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™

In order to pursue your ICF ACC or PCC credential, you also need to participate in your group mentor coaching sessions on week 11 and complete your 3 hours of performance evaluation. If you miss any of the live zoom classes you may need to pay $250/hour you need to make up for.

Please read all the information on this page and at the checkout. Feel free to email us with any questions:🙌 [email protected] 

Neuro-Shine Technology™ - Your Ultimate Guide to Self-Illumination

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I have two levels of ICF accredited coaching certification programs online:

Level 1 is for your ICF ACC (Associate Certified Coach) path

Here is your Level 1 PDF Curriculum

If you are already an ACC credential holder, you can consider the Advanced PCC path: [email protected] 

ACC Path (ICF Level 1)



✔ 3*Hour Coaching Education on Zoom for 11 weeks: WEDNESDAYS from September 4th, 2024 to November 6th, 2024 (6pm - 9pm EST)

7-Hour ICF Group Mentor Coaching on Zoom on November 12th & 13th, 2024 (6pm - 9pm EST)

✔ 3-Hour Personal Mentor Coaching for your ICF application (within 90 days upon graduation) 

ICF Accredited Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certification

✔ 10 Hours of Coaching Practice with Peer Coaches in your program 


Up until now, you read the requirements to get certified as a coach; specifically a highly skillful Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™.

What you need to know is that getting certified as a coach doesn't mean you are an ICF Certified / ICF Credentialed Coach. Please read on.


 ICF requires minimum 60 hours of coach-specific training for you to get certified as a coach and pursue your ACC credential by completing additional requirements. If you want to pursue your PCC credential, you need to complete 125 hours of coach specific training, plus other requirements.

 Both levels of my Neuro-Shine Technology™ Coaching  Education programs are fully accredited by the ICF to prepare you for your ICF ACC and PCC credentials.

 Minimum 30 of these 60 required hours need to be delivered live, as synchronous, interactive coaching education sessions. 10 weeks of zoom sessions for 3 hours a week + 7 hours of mentor coaching session on week 11 + 3 hours of personal mentor coaching will cover 40 hours. That's why you need to make sure you show up to all 11 weeks of live zoom sessions. If you miss any sessions for any reasons, you'll need to pay $250 to make up for any hour you missed. (ICF's only exception to this is an official report from your doctor, showing your illness not allowing you to attend)

 Remaining 25 hours of your 60-hour ICF coaching education will be a combination of 20+ hours of video courses, PDF worksheets and resources inside your Kajabi library (and I'll be tracking your digital course progress every week) 

 When you successfully complete these 60 hours, you'll be eligible to get certified as a Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™.

➤And I highly recommend a minimum of 10 hours of coaching practice with your peer coaches "outside of our training hours" during our 11-week program. You're building skills and you need repetition to build those skills, mental muscles!



Modern. High-Conscious. Safe.

Scientific. Practical. Proven.

Sophisticated. Deepening.

Forwarding. Transformational.

Entertaining. And Fun. 😊 



You'll learn:

  • how the mind works
  • how language dictates reality,
  • how to reframe limiting beliefs
  • how to formulate powerful questions
  • how to uncover hidden strengths and
  • how to leverage negative emotions with the help of:
    • NLP
    • Neuroscience
    • Quantum Physics
    • Positive Psychology
    • Cosmology
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Heart Science so that you can:

 Discern your feelings of empathy from your own judgment, fear, or emotional needs to better serve your clients and lead them to their own truth

 Release your own agenda, your desire to give advice, your own reactions with a powerful Heart Science process to be more present with your clients

 Listen with your entire nervous system, instead of just one part of it, so that you can create a sense of psychological safety, trust and open space with your clients

 Listen actively and effectively to hear what they are NOT saying to help your clients question their thinking, so that they can see themselves and the world in a new way





 In order to pursue your ICF ACC credential, first you need to successfully complete your ICF Level 1 Neuro-Shine Technology™ Coaching Education for 10 weeks on:

Wednesdays: September 4th, 2024 - November 6th, 2024 from 6pm - 9pm EST.

 ICF also requires 10 hours of mentor coaching for each level, which is included in both of your programs. The last two days of your 11-week programs are your group mentor coaching sessions. They are going to be 4 hours each so that we can cover 7 hours of your mentor coaching as a group.

  • ACC: November 12th & 13th, 2024, 6pm - 9pm EST

 3 of these 10 mentor coaching hours will be set up individually with everyone; and will be scheduled upon completing our group mentor coaching sessions. (September 4th, 2024 to November 6th, 2024)

 My goal during these mentor coaching sessions over 3 months is to improve your coaching skills with the advanced ICF core competency model so that you can pass your recorded coaching performance that I need to approve you for!😊

➤ The recording/s will be in English language, audio format and minimum 20 and maximum 60 minutes.

➤ Your deadline to submit your coaching recording/s is 90 days upon your graduation from any level.

➤ Upon your submission, we'll schedule a time together to listen and evaluate your coaching skills with my instant feedforward for your growth.

➤ If you don't receive a passing grade within these 3 hours of one-on-one mentor coaching hours you have with me, or you pass your 3-month deadline to submit your recording, you understand and accept that you'll need to pay $250 for each additional hour you might need.

Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason, this membership is not for you, you can simply return it within 7 days and you get your money back. I want to make sure I add value to your life and help you improve it.

 After you successfully complete these 10 hours of mentor coaching sessions and pass your performance evaluation, you'll only have 2 more requirements left to apply for your ICF credential:


1) Gain your required coaching experience based on your application level.

  • ACC: 100 hours of coaching experience with 8 different clients. 25 hours can be free of charge, you need to get paid for the remaining 75 hours.
  • PCC: 500 hours of coaching experience with 25 different clients. 50 hours can be free of charge. You need to get paid for the remaining 450 hours.

2) Pass the 3-hour computer-based written ICF Credentialing Exam. (ICF'll email)

And then, you'll be awarded with the ICF ACC (Associate Certified Coach) or PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credential by the ICF itself. 



"Laura and I have known each other for years. She has always presented as an outstanding role model of what is possible if you truly desire it. Laura mentored me to assist in my life journey to further reveal and develop, what I consider, my life purpose. Work has been redefined as "service" to others, and financial abundance and success fulfillment is the reward." 

~ Natalie DiDomenico (Lahnan)

Exploring your powerful, deepening and forwarding TRUTH with 

Neuro-Shine Technology™

Here is one of the coaching tools we will be using as part of this one of a kind, online NLP & Coaching Education. Get ready. You are in for a real transformation!


Neuro-Shine Technology™ is the technology for truth and enlightenment that combines the power of the mind with the wisdom of the heart to maximize our potential.

Designed as a powerful and transformational blend of:

1. Neuro Linguistic Programming
2. Neuroscience
3. Metaphysics
4. Quantum Physics
5. Cosmology
6. Positive Psychology
7. Heart-science
8. Emotional Intelligence
9. Leadership Communication Strategies
10. Advanced Coaching Skills

Neuro-Shine Technology™ aims to revolutionize the way we think about thinking and learning through integrating science and spirituality, brain and heart, mind and matter, logic and magic with love and oneness.


Shiny Minds are enlightened minds.

We are #onamission to create more Shiny Minds in the world.

Join us!

Become one of us! ❤️



If for any reason, this online coaching education program didn't serve you, you can simply cancel it within 30-days and get your money back. I only ask you to study all your video content and fully participate in all your zoom classes before this withdrawal decision.

I want to make sure I add value to your life and help you improve it.❤️

I'm Ready To Become An ICF Certified Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™!

ACC Path (ICF Level 1)


Level 1 ACC Path


Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have questions, you might wanna read this section:

Meet Shiny Unsal


Laura Noel is a versatile professional with a wealth of experience in various fields. As an Organizational Development consultant, an ICF leadership coach, and a senior consultant and facilitator with The Arbinger Institute, Laura brings a unique blend of skills to the table. Additionally, as an International Best Selling Author and Podcast Host, Laura engages with a diverse audience, sharing insights and expertise.

Before founding Stretch Into Success, Laura dedicated over 27 years to the United States Air Force, rising to the esteemed rank of Chief Master Sergeant. During this time, Laura had the privilege of teaching personal growth and leadership to others, an experience that profoundly influenced her path.

Inspire and Empower Your Team

ACC Path (ICF Level 1)



✔ 3*Hour Coaching Education on Zoom for 11 weeks: WEDNESDAYS from September 4th, 2024 to November 6th, 2024 (6pm - 9pm EST)

7-Hour ICF Group Mentor Coaching on Zoom on November 12th & 13th, 2024 (6pm - 9pm EST)

✔ 3-Hour Personal Mentor Coaching for your ICF application (within 90 days upon graduation) 

ICF Accredited Neuro-Shine Technology Coach™ Certification

✔ 10 Hours of Coaching Practice with Peer Coaches in your program